FRIDAY, September 27th

** Preorder by 9pm Monday, 23rd September. Pricing subject to change. Available for dine in, and takeout. If takeout time doesn’t work please reach out and we are more then happy to do it takeout on Saturday sometime.



Leberknödelsupp (liver dumpling soup) 7
Kartoffelsuppe (potato soup) 7
Mussels with mustard cream 14
weisswurst, mustard 15
mixed green salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper 11
Mini Schnitzel (2oz)
Elk: 13
Schweine (pork) 9
Weiner (veal) 12

Schnitzel Prep: 
Holstein (Fried egg, anchovy, caper, lemon butter sauce)
                 Jaeger (hunter style with mushroom gravy)
      Zigeuner-Schnitzel (tomato pepper onion sauce)
Käse-Schnitzel (cheese schnitzel) is topped with melted cheese
    Cordon Bleu (topped with ham and cheese)
    Plain with lemon and parsley

Entrees: Served with Spatzele and Rotkraut

Weisswurst 19
Steckerlfisch (fish on stick) 19

Schnitzel: Served with lemon, parsley, and Spatzele and Rotkraut
Elk 4oz 31
Schweine (Pork) 6oz 21
Weiner (Veal) 4oz 25
Trio (2oz of each, can do different preps for each) 36

Schnitzel Prep:  additional prep 2 each
Holstein (Fried egg, anchovy, caper, lemon butter sauce)
                 Jaeger (hunter style with mushroom gravy)
      Zigeuner-Schnitzel (tomato pepper onion sauce)
Käse-Schnitzel (cheese schnitzel) is topped with melted cheese
    Cordon Bleu (topped with ham and cheese)
    Plain with lemon and parsley

Seasonal Fruit Kuchen (seasonal fruit cake with vanilla sauce) 11

Oregon Craft Brewery Marzen/Oktoberfest Beer 6

**Pricing subject to change